Night time sharpens...heightens each sensation...
by Colette GaleI love Webber's Phantom of the Opera. It's rich, it's lush, it's sensual and erotic...but Christine ends up with the wrong guy!
After watching the play and movie umpteen times, I decided to take matters into my, hands (considering the to-die-for appeal of Gerard Butler in the movie, however, I must admit there were other things I would have liked to take. In hand.).
It was obvious to me, and to every other woman I've talked to, that the passion, the attachment, the sex between Christine and Erik (the Phantom) is beyond belief--and how she could throw it away just because he has to hide half his face is beyond me!
(Well, okay, he might have accidentally killed a few people...but that was in a different version of the story. Definitely not mine.)
Plus, I couldn't stop wondering what actually happened during the "Music of the Night" scene. I mean, that bed!--not to mention the way Erik's hands were all over her body while he was seducing her with song. But, alas, it was a family production (or at least PG-13), so Webber had to close the door on that scene...
...but that didn't mean I had to leave it shut when I wrote my version.
So, by way of introduction (since this is supposed to be an introductory blog post, according to dear Jane Lockwood, the woman who really wields the whip around here--and quite handily, might I add), let me just say that, come August 2007, you'll be able to read my extremely hot, quite dirty version of The Phantom of the Opera...and, believe me, I leave nothing to the imagination. Even Madame Giry and the two managers get in on the act!
The book is titled Unmasqued: An Erotic Novel of the Phantom of the Opera, and it will be published by Signet Eclipse.
As for me? Well, you'll get to know me a little better once I have my website up (in progress), and after a few posts here on Spiced Tea Party.
(Blog posts, Jane. Not...whippping posts. Okay?)
Can I admit I'm green with envy that I didn't come up with Unmasqued because I've certainly felt the same way about Erik! Although, you know, I had a tough time about the dead people...
You should hear Anthony Warlow sing this role ... *le sigh*
"Past The Point of No Return" is the sexiest song for me from that musical. (And yes, I have read the book.)
In any case -- I guess it's no surprise which fictional character you'd "do"!
Yes, definitely, I'd do (or have him do me!) the Phantom--at least, as portrayed by Gerard Butler.
"Past the Point of No Return" is the most amazing song too...I love it even more than "Music of the Night"...but as you know, that sort of scene (No Return) doesn't really happen in the movie.
Oops, I meant to say, the Point of No Return scene doesn't really happen in the book.
And even in the movie, they don't have a lot of time for much hanky-panky when he drags her back down to the dungeon.
Drags her back down to the dungeon....Mmmm. Love it!
Unmasqued sounds good! Added it to my wishlist! she could throw it away just because he has to hide half his face is beyond me!
Obviously Christine didn't have a wise old granny who told her she didn't have to look at the mantelpiece while she was poking the fire.
LOL, Janet!!! (And thanks a lot -- half a cup of Earl Grey just spewed from my nose!) Mr. Robin will appreciate that one.
As I was preparing to say, Colette, I absolutely love it when an author comes along and tells a classic story the way it was meant to be told! For the longest time, I thought I was the only girl in the world who imagined what shocking things might have transpired between Jane Eyre and Mr. Rochester or Beauty and Beast. There's nothing like a dark, brooding figure of a man to inspire impure thoughts, sigh. I look forward to reading Unmasqued!
Thanks for coming by, Robin. And I forgot to comment on your post yesterday when you mentioned my absolute favorite author of all time: Barbara Michaels/Eliz Peters.
Love her. And she seems so unappreciated/unnoticed in the romance reader world...I don't know anyone else, really, who reads her.
As for the twist on classics...hang in there, because my next release, out Aug 2008, will be the real story of The Count of Monte Cristo. :-)
Hello Collette,
Oooo, you had me at "hot and dirty". I can't wait to read your version of PHANTOM. Sounds scandalous! My birthday is in August so it'll be a nice present from me to me. LOL! I always treat myself to books for my birthday.
Please let us know when your site is up.
I am so looking forward to this book! I saw the stage show a few years ago and immediately started re-writing the plot, so I can definitely see the appeal!
I love Barbara Michaels' books too-- for a good, creepy read there's nothing quite like them. She's also an expert in the one-line, last-sentence suprise ending, which is a technique I don't see anyone else using, at least not in a full-length novel. (Note to self: blog about the last sentence of a book.)
Jane (trying hard to remember her name here)
Meljprincess...don't I know you from somewhere? ;-) I'll definitely be letting the world know when my website is up.
Little Lamb Lost...Yes, Crocodile on the Sandbank is another of my comfort reads--although my faves are the Vicky Bliss books. Trojan Gold and Night Train to Memphis are my all-time favorite reads, ever.
Jane/Janet...I'm so glad you enjoy Barbara Michaels too! Yay! I never knew that, but somehow I'm not surprised, knowing your discerning taste. (Am I groveling enough for you, dear Jane?)
Thank you Kate, for being excited about Unmasqued. I know there have been lots of PhanFic (*groan*) about Christine and Erik, so I'm waiting with bated breath to see how my book is received. *eek*
Little Lamb Lost...Oooh! Night Train!!! But don't read it if you haven't read the other Vicky Bliss books--especially Trojan Gold. You have to at least read that one first, in order to really "get" Night Train.
Then....mmmm. :-)
Where Colette? My curiosity has been peaked! *g*
Heh heh've probably visited my alt--er, friend Colleen Gleason's blog. Once or twice.
I can't wait to read Unmasked. I'm going to Las Vegas next week and hope to see Phantom there (it'll be my third time, once in NY and once in London).
I have a question that will probably sound incredibly stupid, but here goes. So we can use characters and plot from another novel and rewrite it as erotica? I never knew we could do that! Do we have to start out with some kind of "Disclaimer" saying that it's based on "such and such"? Thanks for any advice on this . . .
Well, Elizabeth, since The Phantom of the Opera by Gaston LeRoux is in the public domain, you can pretty much do whatever you want with it.
Which is what Webber did, and then I.
Now, I took great care to make certain that I only took things from the original Phantom--in other words, if Webber did something other than what was in the original book (which he did), I didn't touch that. I kept to the original story, gave it my own twist, and thus used characters, etc., that are in the public domain.
Eg., in the book, Raoul's brother figures quite largely in the plot...and is named as the real villain in the piece. Hmmm, said I, I like that idea.
Webber, as you know, didn't even mention Philippe, Count de Chagny.
Unmasked, can't wait to read it. I would love to see the show sometime. No place around my area that would put it on.
Hey, great to meet you Colette!! I rarely watch movies, waiting for them to come out on DVD closed captioned, but I have always been fastinated about Phathom of The Opera and what it was about, so I shall see about renting that one soon.
So UNMASQUED is like an erotic version of the movie? I can't wait for both! I know, I'm behind times cuz of not watching movies (but I think I know who Gerald is, LOL)
UNMASQUED sounds fabulous.
There IS something about a man in a mask. I also thought the film V FOR VENDETTA didn't go nearly far enough.
Thank you for your kind and informative answer, Colette. And I apologize for the misspelling -- I'll be eagerly looking for -- Unmasqued!
Cathie and Robin...if you haven't seen Webber's film version of Phantom of the Opera....RENT IT.
That's your homework *wink* before August. Then you'll understand why I had to write the book!
(Didn't know you'd have homework along with your spicy tea, didja?)
Thanks for coming by, ladies! Always a pleasure.
Jane, thanks for the compliment about UNMASQUED. I'm hoping it's well-received.
Of course, I've told my mother she can't read it....
Well bust my buttons! LOL! Did you know you're on my MySpace page top friends list? Sneaky vixen...
Ooh, homework! I'll head to Blockbuster today and get right on that! You realize, of course, I'll have to renew my membership now. You girls are going to break me. (sigh) But at least it's for a worthy cause... ;-)
Just briefly gotta say that "Little Lamb Lost" is the best google identity name I've heard in an age.
I'm so delighted that you are here to talk about Unmasqued!
All the Gerard Butler fans are going to be pining for this book and I'm going to make sure they know about it!
Colette, will get Webber's film version of Phantom of the Opera. I'll give my hubby the info! He's great about where to find the movies too on our satellite and record them. Thanks!
Diane, thank you so much! I know you're tight with the GB fans...if only you were tight with GB himself. :-)
And let me/us know how you like the movie. Will your hubby watch it with you? There are sword fights, you know!
Hi Colette--your book sounds AMAZING. I'm here as a Pam R. (and Signet Eclipse) fan, and now I can't wait until August.
I've never seen Webber's film version of PotO, but I'll look for it (I'm in China right now, so the DVD selection is quite random). I went to see Mozart's Don Giovanni several months ago, and I immediately thought that someone should do a retelling of that as an erotic romance book. Sounds right up your alley, n'est-ce pas?
It was nice to meet you, and I look forward to hearing more from you.
:::waving madly:::
Hey Lenora...thanks for coming by! I'll check out Don're right, it does sound right up my alley.
Hope you can find Webber's POTO there in's well worth it!
Oh my! This sounds so exciting but summer is so far away when its frickin 20 degrees here
anyway, I think the book is a great idea since so many peeps love POTC. Very savvy
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